Summertime adventures

Every year, the joint summer vacation trip is an annual highlight for everyone at the Children and Adolescents’ Home in Geesdorf and a source of great anticipation! Together with the home’s staff, all the children and teenagers go away together for a week, experiencing plenty of new things beyond the four walls of the children’s home. What an adventure! This summer, the group headed to Sauerland in Germany.
In total, twelve people including three carers made the 300-kilometer journey to the mountains, where a whole vacation home was booked out for eight days. Over the course of the trip, the group enjoyed a busy program of fun and games: from mini-golf, summer toboggan run, playgrounds and climbing centers to a visit to a mine, barbeques and games nights together, a summer’s worth of memories were made. And the fact that the weather was even better than forecast certainly didn’t hurt, rounding off a fantastic vacation made possible by Mix for Kids.