Scents from India and Albania
The scents of various spices attracted numerous visitors to the Mix for Kids stand at the autumn festival of the University of Würzburg’s botanical garden (Germany). Juniper and sage from Albania as well as cumin and turmeric from India were just a few samples the non-profit organization had brought from countries in which it supports social projects for disadvantaged children and adolescents. Interested visitors were invited to sniff herb material in glasses, small bags and a scent organ and guess the right plants.
“It was pretty amazing how many children recognized all the spices,” said Sabine Schmidbauer who represented Mix for Kids at the event together with her colleagues Dr. Paula Torres Londoño, Prof. Dr. Mathias Wenzel, Margit Schierer-Zehnder, Bernhard Schierer and Tanja Keim. The team also informed visitors about the organization and its projects. There were so many visitors at the stand that all giveaways, including spice and tea samples, ran out before the event was over. In return, many visitors made a donation, around 240 euros in total.
The autumn festival offered entertainment for young and old. 3,000 visitors came to the botanical garden to enjoy the mix of information and hands-on activities at a number of stations.