Recap of the association’s year 2020
A virtual general meeting is better than none at all: After the cancellation of the in-person event in 2020 due to pandemic-related restrictions, Mix for Kids’ annual general meeting 2021 took place in form of a video conference. Although the online meeting was a first for most participants, the 90-minute event went off without a hitch. Requests to speak were announced via a virtual show of hands, and votes on issues were taken via polls shown on the screen.
Chairwoman Silke Wurlitzer informed members that the support projects for disadvantaged children in India, Albania and Germany had continued as planned, while a number of activities meant to attract new members and donations could not take place due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, members and supporters found creative ways to successfully raise funds and generate attention for the association, as various features on the website show.
Silke Wurlitzer and project manager Dr. Paula Torres Londoño detailed the 2020 support activities of Mix for Kids, which were also impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic: The children and adolescent home in Geesdorf (Germany) received three new laptops and two multi-purpose printers for distance learning. One focus area of support activities was India, where short-term relief efforts were launched in the slums of the city of Vadodara to supply children and families in the greatest need with food, protective masks and hygiene articles. In addition, medical check-ups and health education were provided to street children as well as youngsters in the slums and at the Snehalaya orphanage.
The successful spice project for young women and mothers from Vadodara continued last year. Participants learned how to produce and sell spice blends to create additional income. They were also given the opportunity to visit the factory of a local spice manufacturer. In addition, Mix for Kids funds an offer of regular soccer training for girls from the slums of Vadodara. At the beginning of the project, the players received new sportswear and soccer shoes. After each training session, they are provided with a healthy meal.
There was good news from Albania: The three girls who were able to attend the high school in Shkodra thanks to Mix for Kids scholarships have graduated and are now planning their professional future. The next group of three girls from disadvantaged families are now receiving scholarships. In addition, Mix for Kids covers the annual costs for lunch for 35 children. In the afternoon, they have the opportunity to take part in tutoring, dance and sports. The remainder of the donation is used to renovate the recreational rooms at the school.
Treasurer and secretary Sabine Schmidbauer presented the 2020 financial report, detailing income from donations and membership fees, expenses for the support projects, and the association’s current assets. Overall, the financial situation of Mix for Kids is good. Auditor Martin Düchs certified that the receipt and cash management was exemplary; consequently, the members unanimously granted discharge to the board and the treasurer. In order to finance the current and future projects in the three countries, chairwoman Silke Wurlitzer presented a 2021 budget proposal, which was unanimously accepted by the members.
Currently, Mix for Kids has 106 members, including seven legal entities.