From liquid gold to cash for charity

Milk thistle is a plant with healing properties. Purported to offer a variety of health benefits, it is said, in particular, to protect the liver. Milk thistle seeds are rich in oil, meaning they yield a high-quality product. This product is known as liquid gold – and not just because of its color.
Peter Wendel from Abtswind (Germany) was able to procure excess milk thistle oil from an oil mill. He filled bottles and canisters with the oil and offered it to foodies and animal lovers alike, asking only for a charity donation. Promising a nutty note, the natural oil makes a great salad dressing, for instance. It can also be added to animal feed and is especially good for horses.
Peter Wendel has long been a friend of Mix for Kids, supporting the Association with donations in the past. This time, he was able to raise more than 2000 euros. And no wonder: Just one liter of milk thistle oil can fetch up to eight euros at retail prices.