The Christmas House, a winter attraction

Just before New Year’s Eve, as the holiday season drew to a close, members, supporters and friends of Mix for Kids gathered at the Lordo family’s home in Geesdorf (Germany). Every year between early December and early January, the Lordos transform their home into a major attraction in the small village as the entire place twinkles and flashes. From the roof to the balcony, over to the door and right into the frontyard, John and Birgit Lordo, their son Thomas and his grandmother Rita Herold cover their home in all sorts of Christmas decorations, transforming it into a Christmas House.
As people came together over mulled wine and punch and filled up on bratwurst and cake in the cheerily lit darkness it soon grew into a spontaneous gathering as visitors flocked from near and far to see the Christmas House. For a small donation to Mix for Kids, they were offered food and drink. Info-boards offered further information about the association’s work and the projects it sponsors. Four musicians created just the right atmosphere as they played their trombones and trumpets.