Every vote counts!

2024-08-12T11:30:44+02:009. August 2024|
Abstimmung für Mix for Kids bei der Spendeninitiative Förderpenny

Mix for Kids needs you because we have been nominated for the Förderpenny scheme! To help us raise money for our aid projects, you can vote for us once a day between August 19 and September 8, 2024 at www.foerderpenny.de.

The Förderpenny is a donation drive from German discount supermarket chain Penny. Associations and organizations that support children and young people in Germany are eligible to apply. As well as a one-off grant totaling 1,500 euros, all winners will also receive customer donations from Penny stores in their area for a whole year.

Penny has been supporting children and teenagers since 2015, with the Förderpenny initiative having raised over 4.6 million euros for 1,738 different associations to date.